When Indoor Air Quality Suffers In Industrial Environments, So Does Productivity

When Indoor Air Quality Suffers In Industrial Environments, So Does Productivity

Owners and managers of today’s industrial facilities are more focused on environmental issues than ever before. Steps are being taken to improve energy efficiency and ensure regulatory compliance, which is environmentally responsible but also awards cost-saving advantages to the business. While a focus on these areas is important, the topic of indoor air quality is another area that should be getting significant attention.

The indoor air quality of a work environment can seriously impact the health, comfort, and productivity of the individuals working in that environment. The impacts of poor indoor air quality are complex and not yet entirely understood, however, studies have confirmed that indoor air quality and productivity levels are linked. A Harvard study recently found,

“… cognitive performance scores for the participants who worked in the green environments were, on average, double those of participants who worked in conventional environments; scores for those working in green environments were 61% higher.”

The work environments studied were office environments, but it can be surmised that the impacts of poor indoor air quality in an industrial environment could be even more dramatic due to the equipment and processes used.

What is considered good indoor air quality?

According to the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), this question may more easily be answered by examining what is not good:

“Most occupants barely notice when indoor air quality is ‘good’, but most people will often recognize when the air is not good. IAQ is a problem when the air contains dust and objectionable odors, chemical contaminants, dampness or mold. Related to this are the physical characteristics of the air, the amount of air movement, its temperature, and its humidity.”

As to the question of what can be done about controlling indoor air contaminants, the AIHA suggests ventilation system modification and air cleaning with high-efficiency air filters are very effective measures. They state, “… a well- designed and maintained HVAC system may be able to improve the work environment enough to pay for itself through improved occupant productivity.”

Air Solutions is highly experienced in developing indoor air quality solutions for a diverse range of processes and environments. We partner with industry-leading manufacturers to build the most effective HVAC systems and reliable industrial dust and mist collection systems available to assure the best possible levels of indoor air quality.

To learn more about industrial dust and mist control and improving indoor air quality, download our FREE guide, Controlling Dust and Mist in the Industrial Environment.

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